14: Christmas Poo and an Elfin Good Time!

Join your Holi-Gay Host Gayson for another episode of Keeping the Yuletide Gay! In this episode we learn about the holiday poop log, Mrs. Claus has a very quick and tasty treat for you sugar addicts, Carol’s back with a special guest to talk about her next party planning segment, Ned’s here with an “apology” gift, and we will see ifThe City That Forgot About Christmas” is a classic or not so classic Christmas special with special Guestie Bestie Co-Host Tracy, and more! *Remember our shows are not intended for younger listeners*

Show links:

Caga Tio pillowhttps://www.redbubble.com/i/throw-pillow/Ti%C3%B3-de-Nadal-by-elbeesea/35266017.5X2YF?country_code=US&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4ImEBhDFARIsAGOTMj_HHig6xopw8Wplvopyn0PUwrPeTpNNDrKzqf-50QcNJ3iSaGALUfcaAq3MEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Ned’s Items:


Sorry I’m Such an A*****E Apology Balloonshttps://www.offthewagonshop.com/collections/weird-funny-gifts/products/sorry-i-am-such-an-asshole-apology-balloons


Other music and sounds used in this episode are the properties of the individual copyright holders and they are used for purposes of commentary and review, no infringement is intended.